There are too many EMFs around us, they are everywhere; phones, tv, computers, towers, ugh, it's awful. EMFs are known to raise oxidative stress and can cause anxiety, depression, aging of the brain, decreased libido, and other neurological issues. I've tried lots of products. I recently found these and am really loving them. I sleep more soundly and feel an added sense of calm in my home.
Here are my best picks for keeping my body agile and strong and my immune system firing.

Pendant Necklace
I especially love the necklace. It looks great with anything. It sits right over my heart chakra. Use the discount code: HEYLOA
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Harmonizer for Cell Phones
This sits on my laptop right under the keyboard. Use the discount code: HEYLOA

Harmonizer Audio
I don't use ear buds because of the EMFs, but if you do, then I strongly recommend this. Use the discount code: HEYLOA
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Kid's Bracelet
I got this for my grandson but it fits me too. When I'm going to be on the computer for a while I wear it on my left hand while the square Harmonizer tab, sits under my right hand as I type. Use the discount code: HEYLOA
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Trigger Point Ball
You can find these everywhere and believe me I have tried most of them. This one is the best I've found because it's the right size and the right material so it doesn't slip and slide which can be dangerous if you slide off. This releases hip and back tension. I use it for a few minutes at a time to keep me moving with ease, walking with a groove in my step. An essential part of my body conditioning.
Get this Favorite ProductManduka Yoga Mat
I never pinch pennies when it comes to the gear that will keep me in shape and in good health. Unlike the cheap mats you buy at discount stores—one Manduka mat will last you your whole life. Training on them is a different experience altogether. You feel supported and safe. I have spent more than a thousand hours training on Manduka yoga mats, they are far superior without question. they stay cleaner and fresher because they don't absorb sweat like most mats. So worth it.
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The Chirp Wheel
The Chirp wheel for me feels like I’ve had an adjustment in my spine. It can apply a straightening treatment to the spine. I have all the sizes and use them.
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Stretch Bands
These have more support and offer a more supported stretch than the lightweight bands classified "for women".
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Foam Roller
Game changer, I am on this roller regularly, and at the end of the week—I can tell you how many minutes I have spent with it. I keep track because it makes a huge difference in how I feel. It helps release emotion from the body and keep my shoulders back and down. There are so many exercises you can use this for, don't get stuck with just one or two. I have made this my beyatch and use it for hips, back, shoulders—total body—muscle and fascia conditioning.
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Neck and Shoulder Relaxer
The easiest reverse aging exercise you will ever do is to rest on this neck support. It helps to create space in the vertebra and reduces forward head posture, wrinkles, double chin, and tight shoulders. It provides a release of fascia tension and prevents compression of the neck which makes a difference in your ease of movement and walking stride.
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