Collagen: Building Skin From the Inside Out

all categories daily facial

You sparkling, amazing beauty,

Just a little tip: You build good skin from the inside out. Collagen supplies the building blocks to help your body create plumper skin and denser bones. When you get it from the foods you eat–collagen is easily absorbed and readily used by your body.
So, eat your way to glowing skin!

Top 7 foods to build your collagen and promote its absorption:

1. Bone broth, ever made it from scratch? It’s eyes-roll-back-in-your-head delicious!

2. Responsibly raised beef, chicken, and fish

3. Eggs, I’m feelin’ a frittata coming on…

4. Berries

5. Garlic

6. Leafy greens

7. Bell peppers


You asked if there was a secret to keeping your makeup smoothly blended. The first thing is using good tools. Here is the blush brush I use. I like the size and the angle. Hit the pink button above for more info!


I’ll see you in class. I can’t wait!

Love & health,